GoboLinux Filesystem Hierarchy
Here is an overview of the GoboLinux filesystem tree. The legacy folders (on the “:” part of the tree) are links to the corresponding GoboLinux folders. The legacy folders are excluded from default directory view by GoboHide.
|-- Data - for resources belonging to the system and to individual programs
| |-- Compile - sources, recipes and other files used by the Compile tool
| | |-- Archives
| | |-- LocalRecipes
| | |-- PackedRecipes
| | |-- Recipes
| | `-- Sources
| `-- Variable - for spool files, log files, temporary files, etc.
| |-- cache
| |-- empty
| |-- lib
| |-- lock
| |-- log
| |-- run
| |-- spool
| `-- tmp
|-- Mount - mountpoints for filesystems
|-- Programs - where programs (with all their files) are installed
|-- System
| |-- Aliens - files managed by programming language package managers
| |-- Environment - links to program files declaring environment variables
| |-- Index - links to files in each program's
| | |-- bin + bin/ and sbin/ directories
| | |-- include + include/ directory
| | |-- lib + lib/ directory
| | |-- libexec + libexec/ directory
| | `-- share + share/ directory
| | |-- consolefonts
| | |-- fonts
| | `-- man
| | |-- info + info/ directory
| | `-- man{1-9} + man{1-9}/ directories
| |-- Kernel
| | |-- Boot - kernel images, config files and programs needed to boot
| | |-- Devices - device files (managed by Udev).
| | |-- Modules - loadable kernel modules (device drivers)
| | |-- Objects - a view of the kernel's device tree
| | `-- Status - kernel status files (belonging to the /proc filesystem)
| |-- Settings - system config files and links to files in program's Settings/ directories.
| | `-- BootScripts - scripts used for boot, symlink to /Programs/BootScripts/Settings/BootScripts/
| `-- Tasks - links to programs' boot tasks (from their Resources/Tasks/ directory)
|-- Users - contains users' home directories
:-- etc -> System/Settings
:-- dev -> System/Kernel/Devices
:-- sys -> System/Kernel/Objects
:-- proc -> System/Kernel/Status
:-- var -> System/Variable
:-- tmp -> System/Variable/tmp
:-- sbin -> System/Index/bin
:-- bin -> System/Index/bin
:-- lib -> System/Index/lib
:-- lib64 -> System/Index/lib
`-- usr
|-- X11R6 -> .
|-- local -> .
|-- bin -> ../System/Index/bin
|-- sbin -> ../System/Index/bin
|-- include -> ../System/Index/include
|-- lib -> ../System/Index/lib
|-- lib64 -> ../System/Index/lib
|-- libexec -> ../System/Index/libexec
`-- share -> ../System/Index/share