Executes a command with a read-only view of /System/Index overlaid with
dependencies extracted from the program's Resources/Dependencies and/or
from the given dependencies file(s).
Syntax: Runner [options] <command> [arguments]
Available options are:
-a, --arch=ARCH Look for dependencies whose architecture is ARCH (default: taken from
Resources/Architecture, otherwise assumed to be x86_64)
-d, --dependencies=FILE Path to GoboLinux Dependencies file to use
-h, --help This help
-q, --quiet Don't warn on bogus dependencies file(s)
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode (type twice to enable debug messages)
-c, --check Check if Runner can be used in this system
-f, --fallback Run the command without the sandbox in case this is not available
-R, --no-removedeps Do not remove conflicting versions of dependencies from /System/Index view